Last December Amazon announced its new EBS gp3 volumes, which offer better performance and a cost saving of 20% compared to those that have been used until now (gp2). Well, after successfully testing these new volumes with multiple clients, I can do nothing but recommend their use, because they are all advantages and in these 2 and a half months that have passed since the announcement I have not noticed any problems or side effects.
How to automatically update all your AWS EC2 security groups when your dynamic IP changes
One of the biggest annoyances when working with AWS and your Internet connection has a dynamic IP is that when it changes, you immediately stop accessing to all servers and services protected by an EC2 security group whose rules only allow traffic to certain specific IP’s instead of allowing open connections to everyone (
How to use 2 network interfaces on the same AWS subnet in Linux
The following Linux procedure describes how to use at the same time 2 network interfaces connected to the same AWS subnet and, which is more important, how to make both communication works well internally (between hosts on the same subnet) and also externally (both interfaces visible from the Internet). This can be useful for example when you want the same EC2 instance to host a web server serving http or https requests and at the same time have a websockets server ws:// or wss:// listening on the same port 80 or 443 respectively. Although there are other ways to achieve this such as configuring Nginx to be able to discriminate web traffic (http) from websockets traffic (ws) and act as a proxy to redirect the corresponding requests to the websockets server, this other solution I propose seems simpler and to some extent more efficient because it is not necessary to redirect traffic, which will always introduce a small latency, and allows to keep both servers completely independent within the same host. The only drawback is that you will need to assign 2 Elastic IP addresses to the same EC2 instance instead of only 1, but at the same time this will give you more flexibility when establishing rules in the security groups or in the subnet NAT rules.
Partitioning and resizing the EBS Root Volume of an AWS EC2 Instance
One of the few things I do not like about the AWS EC2 service is that all available images (AMIs) used to to launch new instances require a root volume of at least 8 or 10 GB in size and all of them also have a single partition where the root filesystem is mounted on.
In my post The importance of properly partitioning a disk in Linux I discussed why in my opinion this approach is not appropriate and now I will address in a practical way how to divide those volumes into multiple partitions keeping the 8-10 GB base size or making them even smaller to save costs in case you want to deploy smaller servers that do not need as much storage space.
How to create a Sentilo AWS EC2 instance from an OVA file
Sentilo is an open source software designed by openTrends for the exchange and processing of information from thousands of sensors and actuators, acting as an interface between them and the various applications that want to collect and make use of the information they provide. Thus, it fits well within the Smart City architecture and has the city of Barcelona as the main promoter. But Sentilo is not only made by and for the cities, but also for any organization that wants to implement an IoT application that requires deploying a smaller number of sensors and actuators, such as inside buildings or in the open field.
In this article I will detail how to deploy a Sentilo 1.6 server in a Cloud Computing environment such as Amazon Web Services by creating an EC2 instance from an AMI that will be created by importing an image in Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) format which can be downloaded from Sentilo’s website at
How to enlarge the size of an EBS volume in AWS and extend an ext4 partition
When we completely fill up an ext4 filesystem mounted on a partition hosted in an EBS volume of Amazon Web Services and we can not do anything to free space because we do not want to lose any of the stored data, the only solution is to grow up the volume and extend the associated partition up to 100% of its capacity to obtain free space again.