Last December Amazon announced its new EBS gp3 volumes, which offer better performance and a cost saving of 20% compared to those that have been used until now (gp2). Well, after successfully testing these new volumes with multiple clients, I can do nothing but recommend their use, because they are all advantages and in these 2 and a half months that have passed since the announcement I have not noticed any problems or side effects.
How to automatically update all your AWS EC2 security groups when your dynamic IP changes
One of the biggest annoyances when working with AWS and your Internet connection has a dynamic IP is that when it changes, you immediately stop accessing to all servers and services protected by an EC2 security group whose rules only allow traffic to certain specific IP’s instead of allowing open connections to everyone (
How to know how many cores and processors has a Linux box
The simplest and shortest method to measure the number of processors present on a Linux box, which is also widely extended as it’s part of coreutils is:
Using PHP to backup MySQL databases
This post shows how to perform a partial or full backup of MySQL databases using only PHP code. This is very useful for example when a client doesn’t provide you with access data to the database of a web application and you only have an FTP connection available, or when you do have the connection data to the database but you can’t access it through the network (only available from localhost) and you can’t use tools like mysqldump to back up the information you need because you don’t have privileges for this, or simply because you have no access to a shell to which connect and run commands.
UPDATE (08-28-2017): moved the source code from myphp-backup.php and myphp-restore.php scripts to my GitHub daniloaz/myphp-backup repository: